black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Sauvons nos quartiers !

Opposons-nous au déménagement des services de la ville dans les quartiers populaires.

Nos arguments

Référendum communal contre la décision du Conseil communal sur le préavis PR24.23

« Plus de bruit, plus de pollution : NON aux camions dans nos quartiers ! »

Explication :
850 trajets par jour en plus dans nos rues, avec des camions lourds sur Graveline, Roseyres ou Orbe. Nos enfants et nos voisins méritent la tranquillité, pas un enfer de bruit et de gaz d’échappement.

Impact environnemental et nuisances sonores

Coût exorbitant et risques financiers

Gestion et taille de la parcelle

« 38 millions pour un projet risqué ? Nos impôts méritent mieux ! »

Explication :
Un crédit de 4,8 millions juste pour des études, c’est déjà trop. Avec des dépassements probables, ce projet pourrait plomber les finances d’Yverdon et priver nos écoles, routes, policiers et services de fonds essentiels.

« Un site trop petit, une pagaille assurée ! »

Explication :
Entasser les services communaux et CarPostal sur une parcelle minuscule, c’est la recette du chaos. Pas de place pour grandir, pas de vision d’avenir : ce projet est mal pensé dès le départ.

« NON au projet des Isles : trop cher, trop polluant, trop risqué ! »

Signez pour protéger Yverdon : nos finances, nos quartiers, notre avenir !

Sauvons nos quartiers

Rejoignez notre lutte pour préserver nos quartiers populaires et défendre les intérêts des yverdonnois.

A large crowd gathered on a city street, holding signs and banners. One prominent sign in the foreground reads 'SAY NO TO 15-MIN GHETTOS.' The participants appear to be engaged in a protest against an urban planning concept. Several people are wearing casual clothing, and police officers are visible to the left, managing the event. The buildings in the background have historic architectural features.
A large crowd gathered on a city street, holding signs and banners. One prominent sign in the foreground reads 'SAY NO TO 15-MIN GHETTOS.' The participants appear to be engaged in a protest against an urban planning concept. Several people are wearing casual clothing, and police officers are visible to the left, managing the event. The buildings in the background have historic architectural features.
A group of people gathered around a table covered by a canopy situated in an urban neighborhood setting. They are engaged in conversation or community activities. The area has various houses and buildings with visible electric poles and wires overhead. Children and adults are present, some standing and others seated.
A group of people gathered around a table covered by a canopy situated in an urban neighborhood setting. They are engaged in conversation or community activities. The area has various houses and buildings with visible electric poles and wires overhead. Children and adults are present, some standing and others seated.
Mobilisation citoyenne

Participez au référendum pour contrer les décisions nuisibles du conseil communal et protéger notre ville.

Engagement local

Signez et faites entendre votre voix contre le déménagement des services au détriment des habitants.


A group of people are standing on a structure in an urban setting, raising their fists in the air, suggesting a protest or demonstration. The crowd appears engaged and determined, with some individuals taking photos or videos. The background features residential buildings.
A group of people are standing on a structure in an urban setting, raising their fists in the air, suggesting a protest or demonstration. The crowd appears engaged and determined, with some individuals taking photos or videos. The background features residential buildings.
An urban street scene with a view of a grand architectural building featuring a dome under renovation. The street is lined with various buildings, some adorned with colorful murals depicting animated characters interacting with objects. People walk along the cobblestone street, adding to the vibrancy of the urban environment.
An urban street scene with a view of a grand architectural building featuring a dome under renovation. The street is lined with various buildings, some adorned with colorful murals depicting animated characters interacting with objects. People walk along the cobblestone street, adding to the vibrancy of the urban environment.
A vibrant mural featuring various figures engaged in different activities within an urban setting. Some people are conversing, others are walking, and one person is reading by a water feature. Trees and buildings provide a backdrop, and the scene evokes a bustling social atmosphere.
A vibrant mural featuring various figures engaged in different activities within an urban setting. Some people are conversing, others are walking, and one person is reading by a water feature. Trees and buildings provide a backdrop, and the scene evokes a bustling social atmosphere.
An aerial view of a developing urban area featuring several high-rise buildings under construction. The surroundings include a network of roads, greenery, and scattered residential and commercial structures.
An aerial view of a developing urban area featuring several high-rise buildings under construction. The surroundings include a network of roads, greenery, and scattered residential and commercial structures.
A bustling urban scene featuring a lively street with outdoor dining and people sitting at tables. Traditional low-rise buildings with red roofs and modern high-rise architecture in the background create a contrast. The tall, honeycomb-patterned skyscraper looms above, making the street appear vibrant yet overshadowed by urban development.
A bustling urban scene featuring a lively street with outdoor dining and people sitting at tables. Traditional low-rise buildings with red roofs and modern high-rise architecture in the background create a contrast. The tall, honeycomb-patterned skyscraper looms above, making the street appear vibrant yet overshadowed by urban development.
A vibrant mural depicting a diverse urban scene. The upper section features a pianist, people in formal wear, and officers with 'foreclosure' signage. The lower section shows urban life with people, pets, a classic car, police officers, and various street elements against colorful houses and buildings.
A vibrant mural depicting a diverse urban scene. The upper section features a pianist, people in formal wear, and officers with 'foreclosure' signage. The lower section shows urban life with people, pets, a classic car, police officers, and various street elements against colorful houses and buildings.

Signez pour sauver nos quartiers populaires d'Yverdon!

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Ensemble, nous protégeons nos quartiers et nos services vitaux contre des décisions qui nous pénalisent.

Jean Dupont

A vibrant urban scene with large, colorful murals painted on the sides of two buildings. One mural depicts a person pushing against a wall with the phrase 'Close the Gap' while the other shows a person with the text 'Open Your Future'. The murals are set against a backdrop of residential buildings and a clear blue sky. In the foreground, a grassy area is visible with blooming flowers and a sidewalk where a person is walking away from the camera.
A vibrant urban scene with large, colorful murals painted on the sides of two buildings. One mural depicts a person pushing against a wall with the phrase 'Close the Gap' while the other shows a person with the text 'Open Your Future'. The murals are set against a backdrop of residential buildings and a clear blue sky. In the foreground, a grassy area is visible with blooming flowers and a sidewalk where a person is walking away from the camera.

Sauvons nos quartiers pour garantir un avenir durable et équitable pour tous les habitants d'Yverdon.

Marie Lefevre

A vibrant urban scene featuring a street corner filled with buildings covered in colorful graffiti and street art. Numerous bicycles are parked alongside a row of cars. Trees line the streets, adding greenery amidst the concrete. People are seen casually walking and interacting, giving life to the busy street environment.
A vibrant urban scene featuring a street corner filled with buildings covered in colorful graffiti and street art. Numerous bicycles are parked alongside a row of cars. Trees line the streets, adding greenery amidst the concrete. People are seen casually walking and interacting, giving life to the busy street environment.